Thursday, April 30, 2009

Give-away Tag

I got this tag from Neisha - It sounds like fun.

The first five people to respond to this post will receive something made by me. HOMEMADE! The item will be my choice made just for you!

Restrictions and Limitations:

1. I have complete creative freedom
2. What I create will be just for you
3. It will be done within the next 6 months
4. You have no clue what it will be. It may be personalized note cards. I might bake something. (*hint*: I'm not baking anything) I might not think of anything until 6 months from now...

The catch? You must re-post this on your own blog and offer the same giveaway to 5 people who comment. The first 5 people to leave a comment telling me they are in, will win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift from me! Be sure to post a picture of what you get!

Anyone past the 6th comment will be entered in a drawing for another item!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Libby's got a new "convention"

"The shoe flashlight!!"

"You can walk perfectly in the dark."

"You can put this almost anywhere: a lamp, a frame, a picture, or a HYPNOTIZING thing!"

"It cost 900 dollars."

"Must be 18 years old."

"Batteries not included."

***yes, my children watch too much T.V.***

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I need a tissue

Allergies are totally kicking my butt this year. Every day I wake up ok, but then I have to drive & it's too hot, so I roll down my windows.


Then with each passing hour, my throat itches & closes a bit more, my nose turns bright red (sometimes it has a lovely purple stripe across the bridge)...and then there's the headache.

On Sunday, as I was walking in the hall, a neighbor asked if I was ok. I had walked a little too fast & my eyes were watering from the slight breeze, so she thought I had been crying. Oh dear.

So my question is this: I know it finally feels like Spring & there's no more snow to cover our hideous lawns, BUT must we all mow on the same week as the winds are blowing all the blossoms off of the trees? Somebody pass me the Kleenex.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Public school is teaching my son how to grow grass.


so it's just regular, grows-in-the-yard, call-it-'sod'-if-you-want grass

Made You Look!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another Funny Memory

Many years ago, my (now 8yr old) son was subjected to many, many (did I say many?) viewings of Disney's "Sleeping Beauty". His older sister was quite the fan of the flick and watched it over & over.

Payton was fascinated with the end scene where Sleeping Beauty is dancing with her prince and the fairies are changing her dress from pink to blue to pink....

So my sweet son -being short on words, but with a love for hand gestures- started offering people a choice: he'd point at you and ask, "Whatchyou want? Pink? Or Blue?"

And then when you had made your choice, he'd point his thumb & forefinger at you and pronounce, "Pssshht."

Wish granted.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

For my own amusement

You know how they say that babies suck their thumbs or pacifiers for stimulation or amusement? That they use whatever's happening around them to entertain or inform? Well, I was thinking that as an adult, I have come up with some strategies for self amusement of my own....

When I am depressed, lonely, or just plain bored, here are some quirky things that I do:
1. Sing--in the shower, in the car, or to my kids....sometimes even a few dance moves thrown in. Sometimes I just lip-sync to my kids cause they think it's hilarious.

2. Crossword puzzles--have been totally addicted since highschool. I think I was the only teenager to bring a crossword magazine on a bus trip instead of a walkman. (I even bought the crossword game to play on my daughter's DS)

3. Making up nicknames. I simply adore nicknames. My kids have at least 25 a piece. I'm guessing the affinity began like this: Ever watched "The Wedding Date"? Everyone has a different nickname for the central character Kat....I totally identified! With a name like Jasmine (pre-Disney's Aladdin), I was called a different name by everyone: Jaz-ma-taz, Jazmanian Devil, Jazzy boo, Jazzy baby, and even Flower Child (and of course Princess Jasmine after '93)...and I love it!

4. Using big words. My mother loved big words and was always trying to expand our vocabulary. Her favorite bumper sticker was "Eliminate Obfuscation" (stop making yourself so hard to understand) which is, of course, ironic. I used to just speak this way unintentionally, until non-family members pointed out certain words that were not used in every day conversations. Now I only talk this way with my sisters, or if I'm trying to amuse myself by being opaque. Unfortunately, my 11 yr old's vocabulary is bigger than her comprehension because of this: she read that my birth month's flower was lily, and that it stood for humility---so she asked me if I was humiliated a lot.

5. Projects. I have way too many hobbies and I love them. Blend that with my OCD tendency to HAVE to finish something, plus my impatience that compels me to be fast, and you end up with someone who completes all her own projects, so she begs other people to work on theirs. I informed my husband last night that I'm changing my title from "Stay-at-home-Mom" to "Project Manager".

6. Organizing: it makes me happy to put things in order. It's kind of like a great big puzzle that I can put together without looking at the picture on the box, cause I get to make up the picture myself. (feel free to call me a dork in your head).

How do you amuse yourself?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's a mad mad blog

I've decided that I am not so good at this blogging thing. I try, but I guess not a lot of funny, exciting, or interesting things happen to me here's my idea: A mad lib blog.

You can decide what has been going on in my life. You will need
1. Adjective
2. Verb
3. Noun
4. Relation
5. Adjective
6. Verb
7. Noun

Here we go:
On this particularly (adj) day, I was (verb)ing in the kitchen. All of the sudden I realized my (noun) was (verb)ing!
"Oh no!" I cried, "How could this happen?"
It must be karma because my (relation) just told me about their (adj) (verb) (noun) and I laughed and laughed.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Joke's On Me.

My mother's all-time favorite April Fool's Day joke was to wake us up with a really excited look on her face and tell us, "It's snowing!"

Growing up in Texas, and never seeing snow (maybe twice and then only enough to make a snowball), we were always so excited. We would throw off our covers, put on all the clothes we owned (we didn't really have winter gear) and rush outside.

Of course, my mom would laugh hysterically at our crest-fallen faces as we saw another bright, sunny day in TX. And then: "April Fools!"

Once we were old enough not to fall for it, we began to get her back...and every April Fool's Day since, everyone tries to "get" somebody. Out of everybody, I think I'm the most conscientious. Mainly because I refuse to believe anything told to me on April 1st. (so if you have any news, save it til tomorrow)

This morning, as I got the kids ready for school, I look outside and realize my mother has had the last laugh. Somewhere out there, Mama is undoubtedly having a laugh at all the SNOW falling on April Fool's Day.