Monday, March 22, 2010


I know every family has their own set of issues, trials, problems what-have-you....but just for a second I'd like to complain. We feel cursed. Here's a short, interesting timeline:

August 1996--married (yay!)
April 1998--kid #1 (yay!)
August 1998--Jasmine's father diagnosed with terminal cancer
February 1999--Jasmine's father dies
August 2000-- Second kid born (yay!)
March 01?--Tyson's mom diagnosed with Hepatitis C
July 2001--Jasmine's mother killed in a single-car accident along with 2 others
September 2003--3rd kid born (yay!!)
May 2004--move.
May 2004--Tyson's Mom diagnosed with cancer
September 2005--Tyson's Mom dies
--here we notice an alarming trend of parents dying after we have kids. Jasmine decides no more kids--
early 2006---slight mental breakdown
September 2007--Tyson's maternal grandmother dies.
January 2009 -- Jasmine's maternal grandmother dies
February 2010-- Tyson's maternal grandfather dies.

Now here we think that because we have no more parents or grandparents, we should be death-free for a little while at least.

March 2010--Tyson's uncle dies.
This sucks.


RACHELLE said...

oh man sweetie, the circle of life never gives up .

They say that when one life ends another begins.... .Its too bad that in your family all the new lives coming in and older live's ending were all internal.

I will be home on 26th but then i am off to Michigan. My grandmother is dying. :(

but at least (if i make it there on time...) i can spend time with her before she passes.

Hang in there! we love you!
